Local content in the hydrocarbon sector is a reality. The acquisition of ICM Nautical's 7th boat, ICM Nautical junior 4, is a perfect illustration of this.

Local content in the hydrocarbon sector is a reality. The acquisition of ICM Nautical's 7th boat, ICM Nautical junior 4, is a perfect illustration of this.


Local content in the hydrocarbon sector is a reality. The acquisition of ICM Nautical's 7th vessel, ICM Nautical junior 4, is a perfect illustration of this.

By inaugurating this surfer on Friday July 21, 2023 in Abidjan, the Minister of Mines, Petroleum and Energy, Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly, firstly wanted to express the minister's availability to both large and small companies. Secondly, he wanted to demonstrate that it is possible for nationals to be entrepreneurial in all fields, even those wrongly considered to be the preserve of multinational companies. Finally, the Minister wished to share the government's desire to be fully in line with the ambition of the President of the Republic to make local content a reality.

Sangafowa-Coulibaly congratulated and encouraged ICM Nautical, created and managed by national promoters. ICM Nautical is the only Ivorian company specializing in the transportation of personnel and equipment on ships and oil and gas platforms. It proves that national companies can succeed and prosper in this sector.

"Over the past thirty years, ICM Nautical has established itself as one of the leading companies in the sub-region. The transport of personnel to oil rigs is no longer the exclusive domain of multinational companies, and this national company is giving us the gift.