Training and local employment

Promoting local training for jobs in the sector

Promouvoir la formation locale dans le secteur
Calls for local participation

Encouraging local entrepreneurs to get involved

Appels à la Participation Locale
Local partnerships

Collaboration with Ivorian companies and organisations

Collaborations avec des entreprises et des organisations ivoiriennes.
Local news and events

Local industry news coverage

ouverture des actualités locales liées à l'industrie.

A word from the Minister

Mamadou Sangafowa-Coulibaly
Minister of Mines, Petroleum and Energy of Côte d'Ivoire


It is a real pleasure for me to welcome you to this digital platform dedicated to Local Content in oil and gas activities in Côte d'Ivoire.

Dear users,

The promotion of Local Content is a major strategic axis in the realisation of the Government's vision, which is to make mineral and energy resources the keystone of a new phase of sustained and sustainable growth for Côte d'Ivoire.

Local Content is of vital importance to the economic development of our country, as it will ultimately have a real and increased impact on the turnover of local businesses and, ultimately, on their tax contributions.

Furthermore, by encouraging the participation of Ivorian skills and talents in oil and gas activities, we are strengthening our ability to meet technical and operational challenges at national and international level, while creating employment and professional development opportunities for our fellow citizens.

This digital platform will make it easier for local players to connect with foreign companies to carry out projects in the oil and gas sector. It offers an opportunity for players to participate in the development of the hydrocarbons sector and make it a powerful vector for economic growth in our country.

I remain convinced that this platform will become an essential lever for the growth of our sector and the development of our nation.

I invite you to become actively involved on this platform, to share your ideas and to forge fruitful partnerships with a view to boosting the emergence of national champions.

I wish you a pleasant browsing.

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  • Financial support  0
  • Number of bids published  0
  • Registered companies  0
  • Jobs  0
  • Facilitated contracts  0
  • Number of certified companies 0

Nos Missions

Promouvoir l'Excellence Industrielle

Our primary mission is to promote industrial excellence in the oil and gas sector in Côte d'Ivoire. We strive to uphold the highest standards of safety, operational efficiency and environmental responsibility. By collaborating with key industry players, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of our nation while preserving our natural environment. 

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Promouvoir l'excellence industrielle

Favoriser la Croissance Économique Locale

We are committed to fostering local economic growth by promoting investment and employment opportunities in the oil and gas sector. Our mission is to build bridges between local companies and international players, enabling the transfer of skills and knowledge, while stimulating the economic development of our communities. 

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Favoriser la croissance économique locale

Informer et Éduquer

Our mission includes the important task of informing and educating the public about the oil and gas industry in Côte d'Ivoire. We believe that knowledge is a powerful driver of change, which is why we strive to provide accurate, objective information on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector. Our aim is to contribute to a better understanding of this complex industry.

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informer et éduquer

Défendre l'Intérêt National

Finally, our mission includes defending the national interest. We stand by our country and its citizens to ensure that oil and gas activities are conducted transparently, ethically and in accordance with regulations. We believe in maximizing benefits for our nation while minimizing risks and negative impacts.

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Défendre intérêt national

Succes stories

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Actors & Partners

Ministère des Mines, du Pétrole et de l'Energie logo
Ministère des Mines, du Pétrole et de l'Energie logo


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